A Chosen People

This verse isn’t talking about our talents, time, or treasures, but about God’s love for us. He chose you because he loves you. He doesn’t want you to suffer but to prosper.

Living a Day Unconnected

With the internet off, I saw that even when I felt I was prioritizing things that must get done, it was little against the time I could spend with God. Life has many distractions, but we can put them aside and make God first in our lives.

Sparing the Rod

Discipline can break bad habits, character traits (like pride and jealousy), and even hurt. But, by praying and listening for God’s voice, we can continue to grow towards him.

Unrest and Selfishness

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder [unrest, rebellion] and every evil thing and morally degrading practice. James 3:16 AMP All About Me vs. All About God Our world very much consists of self ambition; whether it’s getting ahead at work or having the best home life, our motto is: “What’s in it... Continue Reading →

Power in the Tongue

 What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words. Proverbs 18:21 GNT The Strength of Our Voice The same mouth can preserve and destroy life. Words play an essential role in our lives, and it started the very moment God spoke life into existence. From his word,... Continue Reading →

Can God Change Me?

Whether living for Christ, wondering who He is, or not currently interested in changing your lifestyle, you may have heard some of these phrases: God changes your lifeGod changes your heartYou must change to live for JesusYou become a new person when you follow ChristYou must throw away the old you and live as the... Continue Reading →

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